Free Test:
How Healthy is Your Child or Teen?
This brief test is designed to help you determine if your child or teen is healthy or has significant issues. A more thorough evaluation is available upon request.
For Children & Teens:
For children under 13 years old, please answer questions 1-16.
For teenagers, please answer all questions (1-26).
True or False :
1. T or F: My child/teen obeys my rules & requests.
2. T or F: My child/teen does his/her chores with minimal reminders.
3. T or F: My child/teen obeys the school rules & teachers.
4. T or F: My child/teen seldom gets in trouble at school.
5. T or F: My child/teen gets good grades in school.
6. T or F: My child/teen plays well with others.
7. T or F: My child/teen chooses friends who I approve of.
8. T or F: My child/teen is open & honest with me.
9. T or F: My child/teen does not play videogames too much.
10. T or F: My child/teen is seldom depressed, irritable, or isolates.
11. T or F: My child/teen doe s not become overly angry or withdrawn when we disagree.
12. T or F: My child/teen respects my wisdom and does not insult me.
13. T or F: My child/teen shares his/her deep feelings & issues with me.
14. T or F: My child/teen does not abuse animals or younger children.
15. T or F: My child/teen has a good self esteem & acknowledges errors/problems.
16. T or F: Overall, my child/teen views me as one of his/her best friends.
Continue Answering for Teens, but do not answer for #17-26 for children under 13 years old:
17. T or F: My teen does not use alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
18. T or F: My teen does not play videogames too much.
19. T or F: My teen does not spend too much time on internet social sites (facebook, etc.)
20. T or F: My teen does not look at pornography (internet, magazines, etc.)
21. T or F: My teen wants a monogamous love relationship instead of casual sex.
22. T or F: My teen has realistic career goals and works toward them.
23. T or F: My teen follows through on goals and commitments.
24. T or F: My teen is careful with money and is building a savings.
25. T or F: My teen does not cut school, shoplift, or drive recklessly.
26. T or F: My teen has good values.
1. Write the name and age of each child or teen;
2. Count the number of "False" answers and write which numbers they are for each child or teen;
3. Call or email Ralph Rast for a Free Consultation Session to discuss the test results;
For a Free Consultation Session or More Information:
Please contact Ralph Rast, MFT, CHT at 916-761-6549 or click here to send an email.